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Davide Di Federico Partner

Davide Di Federico  Valecap srl

Davide Di Federico has more than fifteen years of expertise in Finance and M&A, thanks to his work in Italian Groups in the Energy, Waste, Aviation and Infrastructure sectors.

Before joining ValeCap, he was Corporate Finance Manager in a primary utility, M&A and Corporate Finance Manager in an industrial group working in the renewable energy sector and worked in M&A in an aviation group.

He has been dealing with ordinary and structured finance operations, specializing in project financing, asset financing and investment operations in renewable energy, infrastructure and aviation sectors.

Personal Contacts / ph: +39 02 8975 4552

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ValeCap S.r.l.
via Cappuccini, 4
20122 - Milano
Ph.: +39 02 897 54552
Fax: +39 02 479 51393

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